Transportation Safety Study
From 2019 to 2022, the 25th Street Transportation Safety Study team looked for ways to improve traffic and road conditions along 25th Street. The study covers the part of the street between Washington and Passyunk Avenues.
The study concluded in spring 2022. The final report is available. Download the full version or the executive summary.
The study occurred over three phases:
In Phase #1 - History & Current Conditions, the team looked at crash incident reports and past research. They also surveyed residents and business owners. This research painted a picture of the street in its current condition. It also identified neighbors’ and business owners’ concerns about the street. The concerns informed the goals of the project, which are:
Improved lighting
Pedestrian improvements like sidewalk repairs and better crosswalks
Road repaving and repairs
Efficient vehicle movement and access to businesses and destinations
In Phase #2 – Future Possibilities, the team evaluated ways to improve the street. They considered improvements like road repairs, repainted crosswalks, better lighting, new traffic signals, and repainted and reduced travel lanes. Then they combined the elements into three different designs. They looked at the pros and cons of each design and surveyed residents and business owners again. This survey asked respondents to rank the designs. According to survey results, residents overwhelmingly preferred Design B. Design B makes crossing the street more predictable and provides safe bike lanes. Further outreach to businesses along 25th Street will be crucial to refining the design.
In the final phase of the study, Phase #3 – Recommendations, the planning team released their recommendations in a final report. These recommendations were presented to the steering committee and circulated to local press. The recommendations are:
Refine and further explore Designs A and B.
Eliminate Design C from further evaluation.
Pilot design concepts to evaluate impacts and collect community feedback.
Implement short-term improvements that will work with any roadway design.
Continue community engagement efforts through the design phase.
Continue coordinating with CSX to determine viaduct repair timeline.
This study will inform future roadway improvements on 25th Street between Washington and Passyunk Avenues. Large scale improvements, like repaving the street and adjusting traffic patterns, can begin once the bridge is repaired.

Project Area
Street View Video
Next Steps
The 25th Street Transportation Safety Study is one step in the process to improve safety on the street. Future steps include resolving the condition of the overhead viaduct, identifying design funds, continued community outreach, finalizing roadway design, identifying construction funds, and roadway construction. This process may take many years.
The project team encourages you to read the report and explore the materials linked on this page.
For questions about this study and report, please email the Philadelphia City Planning Commission at planning@phila.gov