Germantown Avenue: Celebrating Our Past, Building Our Future
What is the Germantown Ave Project?
The project focuses on Germantown Avenue from Sedgley Avenue to Northwestern Avenue. This touches the neighborhoods of Tioga, Nicetown, Germantown, Mt Airy, and Chestnut Hill.
The project has 3 goals:
1. Save Historic Places
2. Support Great Development
3. Share the Benefits
The Germantown Ave Project started in Summer 2019. The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is running the project.

Why is this project happening?
Germantown Avenue runs through many neighborhoods. It is one of the most historic streets in Philadelphia.
In the City's Philadelphia2035 plan, the City and community identified Germantown Avenue as a focus.
We heard the desire for new stores and businesses while keeping affordability and character.
With development increasing in North and Northwest Philadelphia, we want to make sure those desires are met.

How will the project achieve its goals?
Our department’s tools to do this are:
1. Protecting historic buildings
2. Zoning
3. Help with housing affordability
We are also working with other City departments and communities. Together we want to make sure that growth benefits current residents.
Can you tell me more about the project goals?
Save Historic Places:
Neighbors love the character of Germantown Avenue, and for good reason. Historic buildings connect us to our past, inspire community pride, and create a community identity. They also attract business. We want to protect these buildings from being torn down.
Support Great Development:
Germantown Avenue is not frozen in time. Builders will bring more housing, stores, and offices to the Avenue. The size, shape, and look of new buildings should fit in with the neighborhood. Development should also make the Avenue an easy place to walk and provide the right amount of parking.
Share the Benefits
Residents should benefit from growth. Public improvements, like new lights and street trees, will make the Avenue welcoming for all. DPD will connect homeowners with property tax and home improvement help. We will also support creating affordable housing in the neighborhoods along Germantown Avenue. Development can create jobs. DPD will advocate for local hiring whenever possible.
Who is involved with this project?
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is working with residents, businesses, the Commerce Department and builders. We have a stakeholder group to guide our work. It consists of non-profits, community groups, City departments, and politicians.
Stakeholders help us make decisions. They also connect us to residents and businesses on and around the Avenue.
The historic nominations and zoning changes will affect residents, businesses, and property owners. We will meet with the people who these changes could impact.
What's next?
We have big announcements and information to share in the coming weeks!
How can I get updates?
· Sign up to receive Philadelphia2035 emails for the North & Northwest Districts, where this project is located.
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Matt Wysong, Senior Planner