Points of Departure for North Philadelphia Station Area
PCPC completed new background studies on opportunities and needs for the North Philadelphia Station Area.
The studies were funded by a grant from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC).
Case Studies – Rail stations and surrounding neighborhoods in Wilmington, DE, New Brunswick NJ, and Jamaica, Queens, NY were evaluated for potential lessons applicable to the North Philadelphia Station Area.
Real Estate Market Assessment – Various types of real estate were given a high-level assessment to the year 2040, considering the influence of a consolidated regional rail station as proposed in the North District Plan.
Transportation Conditions and Needs Assessment – Existing service and safety conditions were summarized for train, subway, bus, pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle travel and facilities. Potential future conditions were explored, future needs identified, and recommendations offered for next steps.
Follow-Up to North District Plan ‘Focus Area’
The community and City identified this area as a focus area in the Philadelphia2035 North District Plan (2018). It’s a focus area because it is a public transportation hub with service from SEPTA Regional Rail and Amtrak trains, the Broad Street Line, and several bus routes. This reduces the need for driving, car ownership, and parking lots, and encourages buildings to be larger and closer to each other. City planners call this “transit-oriented development.”

The studies explored issues related to District Plan recommendations. North District Plan recommendations for the Focus Area include:
Guide the emerging regional center at North Philadelphia Station to develop local job-generating investments while preserving residents’ right to benefit from development.
Develop a transportation plan for North Philadelphia Station to create efficient and integrated Amtrak, NJ Transit, SEPTA regional rail, and Broad Street Line (BSL) services.
Improve the safety, usability, and appearance of North Philadelphia Station

Click here for a link to a recorded presentation on these reports.
What’s Next?
In the short-term, recommendations from the Transportation Conditions and Needs Assessment can help keep the area on track:

Better signs for stations
Improved ADA and pedestrian access to stations
Improved maintenance and repairs at stations
Safety improvements for walking, biking, and driving near the stations
Study of potential impacts of more frequent bus, train, or subway service
Improved bike routes and bike parking
Traffic, pedestrian, and bike counts
Guidelines for active public spaces, larger buildings near train and subway stops, and a safe walking environment.
Have thoughts or comments on the North Philadelphia Station Area or on the linked reports?
John Haak