Wissahickon Gateway Plan is Complete!
Read the Wissahickon Gateway Plan to see what’s in store for the area!
The plan’s goal is to make it easy to connect to buses, trains, sidewalks, bike trails, and shops at the Wissahickon Gateway.

This aerial photo shows what is at the Wissahickon Gateway now, and where the Wissahickon Transportation Center (WTC) will be moving
the final plan recommends:
Expansion of the Wissahickon Transportation Center (WTC)
Extension of the Schuylkill River Trail (SRT)
Road improvements on Ridge Avenue and Main Street for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians
New development that includes shops, offices, and apartments
Public space and aesthetic improvements

This image shows some of the plan's recommendations
Your input improved the plan
We worked with the residents, bus and train riders, bicyclists, businesses, and other government agencies to create the draft plan.
After we released the draft plan in June, , we received comments from the public and met with local community groups and City agencies again to finish the recommendations and the vision for the Gateway.
Based on these conversations, we added the following recommendations in the plan:
Each bus, train, trail, road, and development project will have public meetings, a project manager available to answer questions, and will disrupt residents and businesses as little as possible during construction. Detailed designs for these projects will be drawn up at a later date.
No proposed zoning changes at this time. First we will work with property owners, developers, the public, community groups, and City Council to make a detailed development plan that everyone agrees with.
New stores will meet the unmet needs of residents and will not compete with existing businesses in East Falls, Manayunk, and Roxborough. Specific needs identified by the community are a grocery store, shops and dining that face the Schuylkill River Trail, and offices.
The front of the new Wissahickon Transportation Center (WTC) along Ridge Avenue needs to be attractive, with bus traffic should be hidden behind it. The WTC should also complement the beauty of Wissahickon Park and be a welcoming entrance to Northwest Philadelphia
What's Next?
The City Planning Commission adopted the Wissahickon Gateway Plan on July 18th. This means we can start to put the plan into action!
SEPTA will hold meetings about the design of the WTC with the public and community groups later this year.
Parks & Recreation will seek money for trail design and construction
Work with community groups and property owners to make sure new development is consistent with a shared vision.
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